Comprehensive Guide to Puja Vidhi: Mantras, Meanings, and Pronunciation

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Daily Puja Vidhi at Home

Hello, my Nepali, Indian or Hindu folks from any part of the world. If you're visiting my website, it probably means you are a student. If you've clicked on this article, it indicates either your spiritual inclination or a desire to learn about or perform puja, be it in the evening or morning, whenever you have the time. Whether it is to alleviate stress, seek peace, or incorporate it into your daily routine, you might be pondering where and how to start. But hey, you've come to the right place. While I may not be a qualified authority on this, I've penned this article after consulting my Grandfather, who has been studying and practicing this for 70 years. So, let me simplify it for you, and bring all the Mantras at a same place in chronological order.

Before Starting the Puja

Mantra to see hands

While you are still in bed, you can commence with this mantra by looking at your hands. This is the first step even before you brush your teeth.

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी: करमध्ये सरस्वति करमूले तु गोविन्द: प्रभाते करदर्शनम्

Karagre Vasate Lakshmi Karamadhye Saraswati Karamoole Tu Govinda Prabhate Karadarshanam

Lakshmi resides at the tip of the hand (palm), whom we worship for wealth. Saraswati is in the middle of the hand, whom we worship for knowledge. And Govind is at the base of our hand, whom we worship for health and protection. Every morning, we should look at our palms and contemplate on all of them.

Mantra to thank the Earth and Land

समुद्रवसने देवि पर्वतस्तनमण्डले ।
विष्णुपत्नि नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्शं क्षमस्वमे ॥

Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Mannddale |
Vissnnu-Patni Namas-Tubhyam Paada-Sparsham Kssamasva-Me ||

(Oh Mother Earth) O Devi, You Who have the Ocean as Your Garments, and Mountains as Your Bosom, O Consort of Lord Vishnu, Salutations to You; Please Forgive my Touch of the Feet (on Earth, which is Your Holy Body).

Snan Mantra

गङ्गे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि सरस्वति ।
नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरि जलेऽस्मिन् संनिधिं कुरु ॥

Gangge Ca Yamune Cai[a-E]va Godaavari Sarasvati |
Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-[A]smin Sannidhim Kuru ||

O Holy Rivers Ganga and Yamuna, Godavari, and Saraswati, O Holy Rivers Narmada, Sindhu, and Kaveri; Please be Present in this Water (and make it Holy).

Preparation of Puja

If you have any photo or murti and some water in a panchapatra, a plate with chandan, some flowers, and incense sticks, you have enough to get started. But if you're in a hostel and it's challenging to manage all this, anything as per your need and decoration is fine.

Achamanam Mantra

You can find detailed achamanam vidhi in this article: Link Provided

To get started and perform it in simple steps, during the Āchamaniyam ritual, the devotee, already purified through a prior bath, performs three sips of water, repeating this thrice. Using their left hand, they scoop water into the cupped base of their right palm and utter the following mantras to invoke inner purity of body, mind, and spirit.

ॐ अच्युताय नमः ॐ अनन्ताय नमः ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः

Om Acyutaaya Namah Om Anantaaya Namah Om Govindaaya Namah

Salutations to the Infallible One (Achuta), the Infinite One (Ananta), and the Protector of Cows (Govinda).

Then, you may wash hands by saying Om Hrisikeshaya Namah.

Deepa Jyoti Mantra

ॐ शुभं करोति कल्याणं आरोग्यं धनसंपदः ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिनमोऽस्तु ते ॥

"Subham Karoti Kalyāṇaṃ Ārogyaṃ Dhana-Sampadaḥ |
Shatru-Buddhi-Vināśāya Dīpajyotinamo[a]-stu Te"

May the auspicious light bring goodness, health, wealth, and destroy the intellect of adversaries. Salutations to the illuminating lamp.

Kalash Pujan Mantra

कलशस्य मुखे विष्णुः कण्ठे रुद्रः समाश्रितः ।
मूले त्वस्य स्थितो ब्रह्मा मध्ये मातृगणाः स्मृताः ॥२॥

"Kalashasya Mukhe Vishnuh Kanthe Rudrah Samashritah |
Moole Tvasya Sthito Brahma Madhye Matriganah Smritah ||2||"

The Kalasha, a sacred symbol, holds divine aspects within it: At the top, it holds the essence of Vishnu, Rudra's energy at the neck area, Brahma's essence at its base, and the energies of the Matriganas in the center, symbolizing divine mothers.

If you don't have Sankha and Ghanta, you may skip this.

Ghanta Pujan Mantra

आगमार्थं तु देवानां गमनार्थं तु रक्षसाम् ।
घण्टारवं करोम्यादौ देवताह्वान लाञ्छनम् ॥

"Aagama-Artham Tu Devanam Gaman-Artham Tu Rakshasam |
Ghantaram Karomyaadau Devataahvaana Laanchanam ||"

To welcome the divine and dispel evil forces, the sound of the bell marks the beginning. It's a way to bring in auspiciousness and invite the positive energies of the divine while also warding off negative influences.

Sankha Pujan Mantra

त्वं पुरा सागरोत्पन्नः विष्णुना विधृतः करे ।
पूजितः सर्व देवैश्च पाञ्चजन्य नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

"Tvam Puraa Saagarotpannah Vishnunaa Vidhritah Kare |
Puujitah Sarva Devaish-Ca Paanjajanya Namo-[A]stu Te ||"

In the past, Panchajanya emerged from the sea and was held by Vishnu. It's revered and worshipped by all the gods. The passage is a respectful greeting or homage to Panchajanya, acknowledging its significance and the reverence it holds among the deities.

Sankalpa Mantra

श्री परमेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थं (यज्ञस्य) (याग्यस्य) मध्ये (याग्यकर्माणि) (यजमानस्य) तथा (गोत्राणि) विशेषतः (वेदसूक्तानि) (वेदमन्त्राः) (देवता विशेषतः) अध्यात्मशास्त्रे स्मृत्यादीनि च (साक्षात् परमेश्वर स्वरूपिणि) सर्वाणि (आवाहनादीनि) (प्रवेशादीनि) सर्वाणि कर्माणि संपूर्ण कार्य सिद्धयर्थं सर्वोपरि सर्वे देवताः स्थिता भवन्तु सर्वे यजमानाय विधीयमाना परिपालयन्तु तथा ते अनुकूलाः सिद्ध्यर्थं विश्वेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थं संपूर्ण संसार दुःख नाशार्थं च मामनुग्रहीतुं सर्वजनानुकूलं बविष्यतु सर्वजनाः सुखिनो भवन्तु इत्यर्थं च यथा शक्ति संपूर्ण श्रीमन्महागणपतिराज्यं करिष्ये॥

"Shri Parameshwara Preetyartham (Yajnasya) (Yagyasya) Madhye (Yagyakarmani) (Yajamanasya) Tathaa (Gotrani) Visheshatah (Vedasuktani) (Vedamantrah) (Devata Visheshatah) Adhyatmashastre Smrtyadi Ni Cha (Sakshat Parameshwara Swaroopini) Sarvani (Aavahanadini) (Praveshadini) Sarvani Karmani Sampurna Karya Siddhyartham Sarvopari Sarve Devatah Sthita Bhavantu Sarve Yajamanaya Vidhiyamana Paripalayantu Tatha Te Anukulah Siddhyartham Vishweshwara Preetyartham Sampurna Sansara Dukha Nashartham Cha Maam Anugraheetum Sarvajan Anukulam Bhavishyatu Sarvajanah Sukhino Bhavantu Ityartha Cha Yatha Shakti Sampurna Shreeman Mahaganapatirajyam Karishye ||"

For the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord (in the midst of the sacrifice/ritual), for the specific performance of the rituals, for the Yajamana (sponsor of the ritual), for the specific Gotra (lineage), especially reciting Vedic verses, Vedic mantras, specific deities, in accordance with the spiritual scriptures, the remembrance, etc., may all these deeds be perfectly completed. May all the overseeing deities present at the beginning and end of all actions be established; may they oversee and favorably support the Yajamana and act as per their desire. May Lord Vishweshwara (Supreme Being) be pleased, and may the complete destruction of all worldly sorrows be achieved. May I, with the compassion of all, be beneficial to everyone. May all beings be happy. I shall perform the kingship ceremony to the best of my ability in the presence of the complete, prosperous Lord Ganesha.

Ganesh Pujan Mantra

गजाननं भूतगणादि सेवितं कपित्थजम्बूफलसार भक्षितम् ।
उमासुतं शोकविनाशकारणं नमामि विघ्नेश्वर पादपङ्कजम्

"Gaja-[A]ananam Bhuuta-Ganna-[A]adi Sevitam Kapittha-Jambuu-Phala-Saara Bhakssitam |
Umaa-Sutam Shoka Vinaasha-Kaarannam Namaami Vighne[a-I]shvara Paada-Pangkajam"

I bow to the divine feet of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-faced one, worshipped by celestial beings, who enjoys offerings of fruits like wood-apple and rose-apple, the son of Devi Uma (Parvati), who removes sorrows.

Guru Pujan Mantra

ध्यानमूलं गुरुर्मूर्तिः पूजामूलं गुरुर्पदम् । मन्त्रमूलं गुरुर्वाक्यं मोक्षमूलं गुरूर्कृपा ॥

Meditation begins with the Guru's form, Worship starts at the Guru's feet, Mantras find root in the Guru's word, Liberation's found in the Guru's grace assured.

``Now, I will link a separate article here regarding Mantras for each God that you want to pray , and you can follow Shodashopachara Puja for them ``

Shodashopachara Puja

षोडशोपचार पूजा मन्त्र

  1. आवाहन मंत्र : “ॐ आगच्छागच्छ देवेश त्रैलोक्यतिमिरापहो। क्रियमाणां मया पूजां गृहाण सुरसत्तम । आवाहयामि स्थापयामि पूजयामि ॥”

  2. आसन मंत्र : “ॐ रम्यं सुशोभनं दिव्यं सर्वसौख्यकरं शुभम् । आसनञ्‍‍च मया दत्त गृहाण परमेश्वर । आसनं समर्पयामि ॥”

  3. पाद्य मंत्र : “ॐ उष्णोदकं निर्मलञ्‍‍च सर्व सौगन्ध्य संयुतम् । पादप्रक्षालनार्थाय दत्तं ते प्रतिगृह्यताम् । पाद्यं समर्पयामि ॥”

  4. अर्ध्य मंत्र : “ॐ अर्घ्यं गृहाण देवेश गन्धपुष्पाक्षतैः सह । करुणां कुरु मे देव गृहाणायं नमोऽस्तुते ॥”

  5. आचमनीय मंत्र : “ॐ सर्वतीर्थसमायुक्तं सुगन्धिनिर्मलं जलम् । आचम्यतां मया दत्तं गृहाण परमेश्वर । आचमनीयं समर्पयामि ॥

  6. स्नान मंत्र : “ॐ गंगा सरस्वतीरेवा पयोष्णीनर्मदाजलैः । स्नापितोऽसि मया देव ह्यतः शान्तिं प्रयच्छ मे ॥” (पयः स्नानम्, दधि स्नानम्, घृत स्नानम्, मधु स्नानम्, शर्करा स्नानम्, पञ्चामृत स्नानम्, शुद्धोदक स्नानम्)

  7. यज्ञोपवीत मंत्र : “ॐ नवभिस्तन्तुभिर्युक्तं त्रिगुणं देवतामयम् । उपवीतं मया दत्तं गृहाण परमेश्वर । यज्ञोपवीतं समर्पयामि ॥”

  8. वस्त्र समर्पित करने का : “ॐ सर्वभूषाधिके सौम्ये लोकलज्जानिवारणे । मयोपपादिते तुभ्यं वाससी प्रतिगृह्यताम् । वस्त्रोपवस्त्रं समर्पयामि ॥”

  9. गन्ध समर्पित करने का मंत्र : “ॐ श्रीखण्डं चन्दनं दिव्यं गन्धाढ्यं सुमनोहरम्‌ । विलेपनं सुरश्रेष्ठ चन्दन प्रतिगृह्मयताम्‌ । चन्दन समर्पयामि।”

  10. अक्षत समर्पित मंत्र : “ॐ अक्षताश्च सुरश्रेष्ठ । कुङकुमाक्ता सुशोभिताः । मया निवेदिता भक्त्या गृहाण परमेश्वर । अक्षतान् समर्पयामि”

  11. पुष्प समर्पित मंत्र : “ॐ मल्लिकादिसुगन्धीनि मालत्यादीनि वै प्रभो । मयानीतानि पुष्पाणि पूजार्थं प्रतिगृह्यताम् । पुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ॥”

  12. धूप मंत्र : “ॐ वनस्पतिरसोद् भूतो गन्धाढ्यो गन्ध उत्तमः । आघ्रेयः सर्वदेवानां धूपोऽयं प्रतिगृह्यताम् । धूपमाघ्रापयामि ॥”

  13. दीप समर्पित मंत्र : “ॐ चन्द्रमा मनसो जातश्चक्षोः सूर्योऽअजायत । श्रोत्राद् वायुश्च प्राणश्च मुखादग्निरजायत ॥”

  14. नैवेध्य समर्पित मंत्र : “ॐ शर्करा खण्ड खाद्यादि दधि क्षीर घृतादिभिः । आहारै र्भक्ष्यभोज्यैश्च नैवेद्यं प्रतिगृह्यताम् । नैवेद्यं निवेदयामि ॥” “ॐ प्राणाय स्वाहा । ॐ आपानाय स्वाहा । ॐ व्यानाय स्वाहा । ॐ उदानाय स्वाहा । ॐ समानाय स्वाहा ।

  15. दक्षिणा मंत्र : “ॐ न्यूनारिक्त पूजायां सम्पूर्ण फल प्राप्तये । दक्षिणां कांचनीं देव! स्थापयामि तवाग्रतः दक्षिणाद्रव्यं समर्पयामि ॥”

  16. आरती मंत्र मंत्र : “ॐ कदलीगर्भसम्भूतं कर्पूरं च प्रदीपितम्‌ । आरार्त्तिक्यमहं कुर्वे पश्य मे वरदोत्तम ॥”

  17. पुष्पांजलि मंत्र : “ॐ यज्ञेन यज्ञमयजन्त देवास्तानि धर्माणि प्रथमान्यासन् । तेह नाकं महिमानः सचन्त यत्र पूर्वे सा्या सन्ति देवाः ॥” “ॐ नानासुगन्धपुष्पाणि यथा कालोद्भवानि च । पुष्पांजलिर्मया दत्ता गृहाण परमेश्वर ॥”

  18. प्रदक्षिणा मंत्र “ॐ यानि कानि च पापानि ज्ञाताज्ञातकृतानि च । तानि सर्वाणि नश्यन्तु प्रदक्षिणायाः पदे पदे ॥”

  19. क्षमा प्रार्थना मंत्र :

ॐ आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि विसर्जनम। पूजां चैव न जानामि क्षमस्व परमेश्वर ॥

ॐ मंत्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं सुरेश्वर। यत्पूजितं माया देवं परिपूर्ण तदस्तु में ॥

The Shodashopachara Puja is a 16-step worship ceremony in Hinduism, offering devotion to the Divine through various symbolic acts.

Invoking the Divine:

1) Dhyana & Aavahanam: Meditation and invitation – Invite the Divine into your heart and home.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Aavaahanam Samarpayami"

Welcoming the Divine:

2) Asanam: Offering a seat – Welcome the Divine with a place to sit.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Aasanam Samarpayami"

3) Paadyam, Arghyam & Achamanam: Offering water – Wash the Divine's feet, hands, and face, as you would welcome a guest.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Paadyam Arghyam Achamaniyam Samarpayami"

4) Madhuparkam: Offering refreshment – Serve honey, sugar, ghee, curd, or water for the Divine's enjoyment.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Madhuparkam Samarpayami"

5) Snanam: Offering a bath – Bathe the Divine with water or panchamrit (honey, sugar, milk, curd, ghee) while chanting sacred hymns.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Snanam Samarpayami"

Embellishing the Divine:

6) Vastram: Offering clothing – Dress the Divine in beautiful garments after the bath.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Vastram Samarpayami"

7) Yagyopaveetam: Offering sacred thread – Adorn the Divine with a sacred thread.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Yagnopaveetam Samarpayami"

8) Aabharanam: Offering ornaments – Decorate the Divine with jewels and ornaments while singing praises.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Aabharanam Samarpayami"

Sensory Offerings:

9) Gandham: Offering fragrant paste – Apply sandalwood paste, kumkum, turmeric, or vibhuti on the Divine.


  • "Om Sri [Deity name] Chandanam Samarpayami" (sandalwood)
  • "Om Sri [Deity name] Sindoor Tilakam Samarpayami" (kumkum)
  • "Om Sri [Deity name] Haldiyam Samarpayami" (turmeric)
  • "Om Sri [Deity name] Vibhooti Samarpayami" (sacred ash)

10) Pushpam: Offering flowers – Decorate the Divine with flowers, chanting the Divine's names with each offering.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Pushpam Samarpayami"

11) Dhoopam: Offering incense – Burn incense to please the Divine with its fragrant smoke.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Dhoopam Samarpayami"

12)Deepam: Offering light – Light a lamp and offer its radiance to the Divine.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Deepam Samarpayami"

Divine Feast:

13) Naivedyam: Offering food – Share fresh, delicious food with the Divine as an offering. Offer water again to cleanse the mouth.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Naivedyam Samarpayami"

14) Tambulam: Offering betel nut – Present betel nut and leaves as a symbolic mouth freshener, along with monetary offerings.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Tambulam Samarpayami"

Gratitude and Farewell:

15) Karpoora Niranjanam: Offering camphor flame – Perform aarti, waving a flame of camphor before the Divine.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Karpoora Samarpayami"

16) Pradakshina & Namaskaram: Circumambulation and bowing – Walk around the Divine clockwise or stand and turn three times, then bow down in gratitude, seeking forgiveness for any mistakes and sending the Divine off with love.

Mantra: "Om Sri [Deity name] Pradakshina Samarpayami; Om Sri [Deity name] Namaskaram Samarpayami"

Remember, the most important aspect of the Shodashopachara Puja is your sincere devotion and love for the Divine. Chant the mantras with feeling, immerse yourself in the ritual, and express your reverence wholeheartedly.

End of Puja

Pushpanjali Prarthana Mantra

कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारम् भुजगेन्द्रहारम् । सदावसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे भवं भवानीसहितं नमामि ॥

Karpua Gauram Karuṇavataram Sansarsaram Bhujagendraharam | Sadavasantam Hṛdayaravinde Bhavam Bhavanisahitam Namami ||

Forgiveness Prayer

कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रियैर्वा । बुद्ध्यात्मना वा प्रकृतेः स्वभावात् । करोमि यद्यत्सकलं परस्मै । नारायणयेति समर्पयामि ॥

Kaayena Vaacaa Manase[a-I]ndriyair-Vaa Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa Prakrteh Svabhaavaat | Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam Parasmai Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami ||

Remember, these rituals are meant to deepen your connection and devotion to the Divine. Tailor them to resonate with your heart and practice them with sincerity and love.